
"Information of the WTO members"

The Newsletter is published only in Ukrainian.

  • 09.11.2015

    Newsletter "Information of the WTO members" No.70

    In issue of the newsletter:
    - EU: amendments to energy efficiency labelling rules
    - Lithuania: approval of the technical construction regulation
    - Russia: development of rules governing the circulation of food additives
    Issue:  No.70 October 2015
  • 09.11.2015

    Newsletter "Information of the WTO members" No.69

    In issue of the newsletter:
    - USA: working models of risk assessment on dairy products
    - Russia: amendments to the sanitary and veterinary requirements for porcine embryos
    - Finland: amendments to Tobacco Act
    Issue:  No.69 September 2015
  • 26.10.2015

    Newsletter "Information of the WTO members" No.68

    In issue of the newsletter:
    - EU: establishing a format for the presentation of information on tobacco products
    - Kyrgyzstan: the adoption of procedure of conducting sanitary epidemiological supervision
    - Switzerland: revision of the maximum limits for certain substances present in toys
    Issue:  No.68 September 2015
  • 09.09.2015

    Newsletter "Information of the WTO members" No.67

    In issue of the newsletter:
    - EU: amendments to regulation on cosmetic products
    - Republic of Korea: changes to food standards
    - EU: development of procedure for determining tobacco product with characterising flavour
    Issue:  No.67 September 2015
  • 01.09.2015

    Newsletter "Information of the WTO members" No.66

    In issue of the newsletter:
    - EU: changes to regulation on flavorings substances
    - Canada: amendments to the Smoke-Free Ontario Act
    - EU: changes of maximum residue levels for certain substances in food
    Issue:  No.66 August 2015
  • 20.08.2015

    Newsletter "Information of the WTO members" No.65

    In issue of the newsletter:
    - EU: implementation of rules on warning labels for tobacco product packaging
    - Canada: revision of food labeling requirements
    - EU: amendments to the requirements for meat and meat products
    Issue:  No.65 July 2015
  • 16.07.2015

    Newsletter "Information of the WTO members" No.64

    In issue of the newsletter:
    - EU: implementation of labeling requirements for tobacco products
    - Indonesia: food classification update
    - Republic of Korea: amendments to the regulation on safety of pharmaceuticals
    Issue:  No.64 July 2015
  • 15.07.2015

    Newsletter "Information of the WTO members" No.63

    In issue of the newsletter:
    - EU: revision of the maximum residue levels for certain chemicals in food
    - South Korea: implementation of legislation on imported food safety control
    - Vietnam: approval of technical regulations on products used in construction
    Issue:  No.63 July 2015
  • 07.07.2015

    Newsletter "Information of the WTO members" No.62

    In the issue:
    - EU: amendments to the regulation on genetically modified food and feed
    - Norway: changes to tobacco labelling standards
    - Czech Republic: adaptation of the requirements for milk product and edible fats to EU standards
    Issue:  Issue: No.62 June 2015
    Research spheres:  International economics
  • 26.06.2015

    Newsletter "Information of the WTO members" No.61

    In the issue:
    - EU: amendments to the regulation on plastic materials and articles
    - Canada: revision of the list of chemicals permitted for the use in infant cereal products
    - Republic of Korea: amendments to the standards on livestock products
    Issue:  Issue: No.61 June 2015
    Research spheres:  International economics
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